July is Diastasis Recti Month

July is Diastasis Recti Month

Becoming a mom is an incredible journey—one filled with joy, challenges, and moments that redefine who we are. Among the many physical changes that pregnancy brings, Diastasis Recti is one that often flies under the radar. It's not something we typically chat about at playdates or over coffee, but it's a reality many of us face. So, let's dive into what Diastasis Recti is, why it matters, and how we can navigate it together.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti sounds like one of those medical terms designed to confuse us, but it's actually pretty straightforward. It occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles—the ones running vertically along the front of your abdomen—separate. This separation happens because the connective tissue (linea alba) gets stretched, usually due to pregnancy, which makes perfect sense. After all, our bodies undergo some major transformations to accommodate our growing babies.

Imagine your abs as a zipper that gets unzipped as your belly expands. For some of us, this zipper doesn't quite zip back up on its own postpartum. This gap can lead to a host of other issues, including back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and that lingering postpartum pooch that just won't go away, no matter how many crunches you do.

How Do You Know If You Have Diastasis Recti?

First things first, let's talk about how you can identify Diastasis Recti. It's not like you can see it in the mirror easily, and it's definitely not something your OB is likely to bring up unless you ask. Here's a simple way to check:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Place one hand on your belly, with your fingers pointing down towards your pelvis.
  3. Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the floor, as if you're doing a mini-crunch.
  4. Feel for a gap or separation between the muscles just above your belly button. If you can fit more than two fingers into this gap, you might have Diastasis Recti.

Why It Matters

Okay, so you have a gap. Why does it matter? Beyond the cosmetic concerns, Diastasis Recti can lead to some significant functional issues. The separation weakens your core, which is crucial for almost every movement you make—from lifting your baby to simply standing upright. A weakened core can cause:

  • Lower back pain: Your core supports your spine. When it's compromised, your back muscles take on extra load, often leading to pain.
  • Poor posture: Without strong abs to support your spine, you might notice you’re slouching more.
  • Pelvic floor problems: A weak core can affect your pelvic floor, leading to issues like incontinence.

The Road to Recovery

Now that we've established what Diastasis Recti is and why it matters, let's talk about what we can do about it. The good news? Recovery is possible, but it requires patience, dedication, and the right approach. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Focus on Core Strengthening Exercises: But not just any exercises. Avoid traditional crunches, sit-ups, and planks initially, as these can exacerbate the separation. Instead, opt for gentle, restorative exercises that focus on bringing your abs back together. Think pelvic tilts, heel slides, and modified leg lifts.
  2. Practice Good Posture: This might sound trivial, but maintaining proper posture can help reduce the strain on your core. When you stand, keep your shoulders back, chest lifted, and imagine a string pulling your head towards the sky.
  3. Use a Belly Band: Postpartum belly bands can offer support and help your muscles heal. This is where we at Fourth Haus come in. Our bands are designed with high-quality materials and a fit that supports your healing journey.
  4. Consult a Physical Therapist: Especially one who specializes in postpartum recovery. They can provide personalized guidance and help you avoid exercises that might worsen the separation.

Embrace the Journey

Let's be real—motherhood is no walk in the park. Our bodies are amazing, but they always recover in the ways we'd hope. Diastasis Recti is just one of the many changes we face, but it's important to remember that it's a common condition, and you're not alone.

At Fourth Haus, we believe in the power of community and support. Sharing our experiences, struggles, and triumphs helps us all navigate this crazy, beautiful journey. Let’s keep talking, keep supporting each other, and hopefully getting in some laughs along the way.

Remember, it's okay to ask for help and take the time you need to heal. Your body has done something incredible—bringing life into this world—and it deserves all the care and support as you embark on this next chapter. 

A Note from Fourth Haus

Our mission is to provide you with the best resources and products to support you through pregnancy and beyond. Our belly bands are crafted with the love and care that every mom deserves. Because we’ve been there, and we know that with the right support, you can feel stronger and more confident on your motherhood journey.

Stay connected with us for more tips, support, and products designed with you in mind. Welcome to the Fourth Haus community!

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